Why Did Kaneki Join Aogiri

Why Did Kaneki Join Aogiri?

Ken Kaneki, the protagonist of the popular manga and anime series “Tokyo Ghoul,” undergoes a significant transformation throughout the story. Initially a timid and ordinary college student, Kaneki becomes a half-ghoul after a fateful encounter with Rize Kamishiro, a powerful ghoul. As the story progresses, Kaneki’s choices and alliances shift, leading him to join the notorious organization known as Aogiri Tree. This article aims to explore the reasons behind Kaneki’s decision to join Aogiri, delving into his motivations and the circumstances that influenced his choice.

The Search for Strength and Identity

After his transformation into a half-ghoul, Kaneki struggles to come to terms with his new identity. He finds himself caught between two worlds, neither fully human nor ghoul. This internal conflict drives Kaneki to seek strength and a sense of belonging. Aogiri Tree, a group of powerful and radical ghouls, presents itself as an opportunity for Kaneki to find the strength he desires.

Kaneki’s encounter with Aogiri Tree occurs during a time when he feels vulnerable and powerless. He has experienced the brutality of the ghoul world and witnessed the oppression and discrimination faced by ghouls in society. Aogiri Tree, with its reputation for challenging the status quo and fighting against the CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul), offers Kaneki a chance to gain power and protect those he cares about.

A Desire for Protection

Throughout the series, Kaneki forms deep connections with other characters who are also targeted by the CCG. His desire to protect his friends and loved ones becomes a driving force behind his decision to join Aogiri Tree. By aligning himself with a powerful organization, Kaneki believes he can shield those he cares about from harm.

Aogiri Tree, led by the enigmatic Eto Yoshimura, promises its members protection and a sense of community. Kaneki, who has experienced isolation and betrayal, is drawn to the idea of finding a place where he can belong and be accepted for who he is. Aogiri Tree’s ideology of ghoul supremacy resonates with Kaneki’s desire to protect his own kind and challenge the oppressive nature of the human-dominated world.

The Influence of Yoshimura and Eto

Yoshimura, the owner of the Anteiku coffee shop and a powerful ghoul, plays a significant role in Kaneki’s journey. As a mentor figure, Yoshimura guides Kaneki through his transformation and helps him understand his new ghoul nature. However, Yoshimura’s connection to Aogiri Tree and his daughter, Eto, complicates Kaneki’s decision.

Eto, a prominent member of Aogiri Tree and a renowned author, captures Kaneki’s attention with her radical ideas and charismatic personality. She challenges Kaneki’s beliefs and pushes him to question the world he lives in. Eto’s influence, combined with Yoshimura’s connection to Aogiri Tree, ultimately leads Kaneki to join the organization.

The Attraction of Power

Power becomes a central theme in Kaneki’s journey, and Aogiri Tree represents an avenue for him to obtain it. As a half-ghoul, Kaneki possesses unique abilities that make him a valuable asset to the organization. Aogiri Tree’s reputation for strength and its willingness to challenge the CCG entices Kaneki, who seeks to harness his newfound powers and make a difference in the ghoul world.

Moreover, Aogiri Tree’s radical methods and willingness to resort to violence align with Kaneki’s growing darkness and thirst for revenge. Kaneki’s experiences of pain and suffering fuel his desire for power, and Aogiri Tree offers him an opportunity to channel that desire into a force for change.


1. Is Aogiri Tree a terrorist organization?

Aogiri Tree is often labeled as a terrorist organization due to its violent methods and its goal of overthrowing the CCG. However, the group’s actions are driven by a desire for ghoul liberation and challenging the oppressive human-dominated society.

2. How does Kaneki’s decision to join Aogiri Tree affect his relationships?

Kaneki’s decision to join Aogiri Tree strains his relationships with his friends from Anteiku, who do not agree with the organization’s methods. This leads to conflicts and a sense of betrayal, further fueling Kaneki’s internal struggle.

3. Does Kaneki’s affiliation with Aogiri Tree change his perspective on humans?

While Kaneki initially joins Aogiri Tree to protect ghouls, his experiences within the organization challenge his black-and-white view of humans. He begins to question the morality of both humans and ghouls, blurring the lines between good and evil.

4. What are the goals of Aogiri Tree?

Aogiri Tree aims to challenge the CCG’s dominance and create a world where ghouls can live freely without fear of persecution. The organization seeks to overthrow the oppressive human society and establish ghoul supremacy.

5. Does Kaneki’s affiliation with Aogiri Tree lead to personal growth?

Joining Aogiri Tree forces Kaneki to confront his inner demons and face the darkness within himself. Through his experiences within the organization, Kaneki undergoes significant personal growth and transformation.

6. Does Kaneki eventually leave Aogiri Tree?

Without revealing major plot points, Kaneki’s journey in “Tokyo Ghoul” is complex and filled with twists and turns. His affiliation with Aogiri Tree is not permanent, and his allegiances shift as the story progresses.


Kaneki’s decision to join Aogiri Tree in “Tokyo Ghoul” is driven by a combination of factors, including his search for strength and identity, his desire to protect his loved ones, the influence of mentor figures, and the allure of power. Aogiri Tree offers Kaneki a sense of belonging, a platform to challenge the oppressive human society, and an opportunity to harness his unique abilities. However, his affiliation with the organization also strains his relationships and forces him to confront his own darkness. Kaneki’s journey within Aogiri Tree is a pivotal part of his character development, shaping his beliefs and actions throughout the series.

Posted in Why